Thursday, September 2, 2010

A night of Black

Close my eyes,
my soul was falling.
"I love you a lot"
"You are my angel"
a lot of chips came to my mind.
i could smell them,
i could hear them,
and i could even touch them.
A man of shadow
spoke to me with honest eyes.
I could nearly touch his heart.
Even it is a dream but it is good in memory.
I was being in peace and joy.
An angel flied to my night,
But the truth from her mouth was like a sword.
It hurt my soul unreservedly.
My heart was dipped into blood and tears.
I couldn`t believe what i heard.
Every word from him was faked.
My heart was nearly in hell.
I screamed,
I cursed,
I burnt myself into anger.
The pain made my heart die.
When i opened my eyes,
everything was gone.
Are they real?
Who knows?Maybe.
And this
is only a night of black.

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